Thursday, May 13, 2010


LaQuonda - Today is your day!

Funny thing is - although Shonda and I had the same concentration in college and I even took a class with and graduated with her husband, we never met.  Nope.  Shonda and her husband were Erik's friends.  Lucky for her, it was I who married Erik and not some hot, big boobed, comic book loving kinda gal (can you imagine hanging out with her??)

Shonda has many attributes I admire, but there's one characteristic that I value the most.  One that really stands out. One that I'm striving for.  It's not always easy and never convenient, but she makes the time for this. 

She answers the phone when I call.  Simple.  Easy peasy.  To me, this behavior says "Hey friend!  You are important and I'm making time for you now".  It's such a little thing, but it means a lot to me.  

Not that I'm counting - I don't have a tally mark system on my phone.  It just struck me one day after several weeks of missed calls that Shonda always answers.  I then thought about myself and how facilely I use voicemail.  It's something I want to better for myself.  I want to be a better  friend.  Shonda is an example of how to be a  friend. 

I'm lucky that our paths have crossed and we are able to walk this road this together.  No doubt my life would be filled with a snarky void if it weren't for her.

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